Faith Bible Church wants to make a lasting difference in your life, Northwest Connecticut, and in the world. We have something for the whole family. Come join us on this journey!
Youth & Children’s Ministries

Youth Group
Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 pm 6th-12 graders Games, snacks, lessons, and activities. Youth Group is the place to be!

Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 pm Ages 3-5th grade. Scripture memory, games, snacks, and fun just for kids! Register HERE

Vacation Bible School
July 28th-August 1st, 2024 Ages 3-Completed 6th grade. Click HERE to see the 2024 Breaker Rock Beach VBS promo video!
Women’s Ministries

Ladies Bible Study
Mondays 10:00 am & 7:00 pm Same study at two convenient times in a casual, friendly environment. Join us!

Hope Ladies Fellowship
1st Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 pm. Join us for fun activities, games, service projects, devotionals, snacks, and sisterhood! Bring a friend!
Family Ministries

Family Ministries
Family matters at Faith Bible Church! We care not only about individual families but church feeling like family too! This means spending time together at monthly potlucks, special picnics, gatherings at Pastor’s house, missions trips, and more. We would love to add you to our Faith family!

Sunday School
Sunday at 9:00 am From Nursery to Adults, there is something for everyone! We use The Gospel Project curriculum to chronologically work our way through the Bible in three years and see God’s redemptive plan woven throughout. Join us!

Bible Study & Prayer
Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm, while the kids are in K4T and the teens are in Youth Group, the adults meet in the auditorium and spend time in Bible study and prayer. This time spent in prayer, praising God for who He is and what He has done, and interceding for others, is vital to the health of our church.
Men’s Ministry

Faithful Men Fellowship Nights happen once a month where men from FBC and the community come together for food, fun, fellowship, and time in the Word. The dates and locations alternate, so reach out to Pastor Steve for more info at